What is the difference between a Floating license and a standard license?

The Floating license is the best way to share and spread the use of Dossier Manager to multiple users of the same company, whether they are in the office, at home or around the world.

Before explaining all the practical benefits, a few technical advantages:

  • when updates are made, they will be done only on the server, once for all, in one place only and that is in the application installation folder.
  • when updates are made, they will be done only on the server, once for all, in one place only and that is in the application installation folder.
  • allows you to manage a number of logins based on actual usage and not based on the number of licensed users. This saves companies money as it reduces the need to purchase an access for each user.


Imagine that your company has purchased Dossier Manager licenses for 90 users. Now imagine that the company, knowing that there are never more than 20 employees connected to Dossier Manager at the same time, instead of purchasing 90 access licenses will only need to purchase 20 of them.

Imagine that your company has purchased Dossier Manager licenses for 90 users. Now imagine that the company, knowing that there are never more than 20 employees connected to Dossier Manager at the same time, instead of purchasing 90 access licenses will only be able to purchase 20. These 20 will then be shared and distributed as needed at the time by the central server.

The advantages

Access from anywhere at any time

The Terminal Service architecture, or Remote Desktop Service, is a solution that has been established for years to ensure the total mobility of its users. Over time, while maintaining its overall simplicity and low cost of implementation, it has evolved to follow the typical needs of complex structures such as corporate ones.

Terminal Server architecture, or Remote Desktop Service, has been a proven solution for years to ensure the total mobility of its users. Over time, while maintaining its overall simplicity and low cost of implementation, it has evolved to follow the typical needs of complex structures such as corporate ones.

Install once, use all

Dossier Manager is installed only once and everyone receives the update at the same time.

A single point of maintenance

Di conseguenza, gli aggiornamenti diventano molto più facili perché c’è solo una copia da aggiornare. Non è più necessario assicurarsi che le release siano applicate a tutti i desktop dell’organizzazione.

Meno consumo delle scarpe da ginnastica

With one location managing Dossier Manager for everyone, there is no longer a need to run up and down for maintenance or support. Technical support occurs instantly keeping users working when they need it most.


Network administrators can block access to files and the system from a single point. In addition, Terminal Servers limits the ability for remote sites to steal data or install malware.

More time on the job

So access and productivity are also no longer an issue - gone are the snow days or other HR challenges associated with absent staff.
Users can fire up their laptops from home and work on Dossier Manager exactly as if they were in the office.